Address Community Concerns

Push to resolve Joplin's issues, not push the agenda of another community over our own.

Improving Our Communities

Address the panhandling and homeless issue, and work with the police to cut the red tape that keeps our law enforcement officers from best protecting our community.

Better Healthcare

Discuss and find solutions to aid our healthcare system to best provide necessary medical care to benefit the health of the community. Bringing people who specialize in the area/field of medicine that is being addressed to make sure that it is the best medical care available to everyone.

Sustainable Infrastructure

Help secure funding for repairs to local infrastructure. As well as seek out the best solution for issues to be resolved long term. Not just temporary fixes. Safety is a priority in all infrastucture.

Community Involvement

When legislature is not in session, Thomas will be spending time with constituents to see first hand what is going on, and get his hands dirty to help find solutions. Not sit on the sidelines. A true hands on and open door policy.

Welfare System Reform

Work with other elected officials to restructure our broken welfare system, to make sure our tax dollars are spent wisely and enact safeguards to not allow for the system to be taken advantage of as it is to an extreme extent currently.